Sunday, June 7, 2015

Summer Reading Benefits

The last week of school, my students took some time to research/discover books that they would like to read over the summer. The students were given an opportunity to share book ideas, look at a list I compiled, and research on their own. By creating their own "Summer Reading List" I am hoping this gives them many book ideas and sparks their ambition for reading during such a fun time of the year.

Yes- I know that summer is time for fun!  A time for a break. Pools, lakes, cabins, camps, sports, vacation, play dates and many more. The three months seems to fly by in a blink of an eye. With all the busy schedules, I understand how reading can get set on the back burner. I am guilty of this myself. However, reading can be fun! It is a time that you can get lost in a book and take a trip to a whole new world. Besides having an escape in a book there are many other benefits of reading. Especially since it helps keeping the summer slide at bay. 

Here is a link to the article above. 

What can we do to help prevent summer reading loss in a world full of technology? Julie M. Wood Ed.D has some very helpful ideas and tips. Check out her article here.

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