Sunday, June 7, 2015

My First Summer Read

I have to admit something happened this year that has never happened before and I am a bit ashamed of it. I started a read aloud book with my students and didn't finish it! The hectic end of the year schedule got the best of me. We started the book Pay It Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde. I chose to read aloud the young readers edition instead of the adult version. We got all the way to chapter 15- up to that point, the students enjoyed it. Especially the theme- I can't tell you how many wonderful discussions we had as a group!

Since I am challenging myself to read more this summer than I have in the past, I decided to start off my summer reading by finding out how this novel ends. I have a love/hate relationship with the cliffhangers that authors leave me with between chapters, so I thought I would finish my own cliff hanger that I created and find out what happens next. 

I promise you, the author did not disappoint! I sat and finished the last 130+ pages on a Saturday afternoon, in one sitting. I couldn't put it down. I do think that having chapters come from different perspectives definitely helped keep my mind actively going. When reading the Letter From the Author, I discovered one difference between the adult and young readers version. I must say, I liked this creative change. If I would have finished this read aloud with my students, I can only imagine all of the different ideas they would have come up with for the ending. I am so bummed that this group discussion didn't occur.  So, if you are one of my awesome students and wanted to figure out how the rest of this book develops- email me and tell me your thoughts! Happy Reading.

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